How to Convert 1 Hectare Equal to Bigha

1 hectare equal to bigha

In the world of land measurement, it is essential to have a clear understanding of various units of measurement. One such comparison that often arises is between 1 hectare and bigha. These units used in different parts of the world, and comprehending their conversion can be helpful in various scenarios. In this article, we will explore the concept of measurement, specifically focusing on what a hectare and bigha are, the conversion factors between them, real-life examples, and the practical applications of understanding this conversion.

Understanding the Concept of Measurement

Measurement is an integral part of our daily lives, enabling us to quantify and compare various quantities. Whether it is measuring distances, weights, or areas, accurate measurements are crucial for a wide range of activities. In the context of land measurement, different regions have adopted their own units of measurement, leading to variations in terminology and conversion factors.

What is a Hectare?

A hectare is a unit of area measurement that is widely used around the world. It is defined as 10,000 square meters or 2.47 acres. The term “hectare” originated from the words “hecto” and “are,” where “hecto” means 100 and “are” is a unit of area equal to 100 square meters. The hectare is commonly used in agricultural, forestry, and real estate industries for measuring land areas.

What is a Bigha?

A bigha, on the other hand, is a unit of area measurement primarily used in South Asia, particularly in countries like India, Nepal, and Bangladesh. The size of a bigha can vary depending on the region, with different states and districts having their own definitions. 

For instance, in India, a bigha can range from 1,600 to 6,771 square meters, depending on the state. In Nepal, the bigha is standardized at 6,772 square meters. It is important to note that the bigha is not an internationally recognized unit of measurement.

Conversion Factors Between Hectare and Bigha

As mentioned earlier, the conversion between hectare and bigha can vary based on the region. This is because different regions have different definitions of a bigha. To illustrate this, let’s take the example of India, where the conversion factors can differ from state to state. 

In Uttar Pradesh, 1 bigha is approximately equal to 0.628 hectare, while in Bihar, 1 bigha is roughly equal to 0.2529 hectare. These variations highlight the importance of understanding the specific conversion factors for the region in question.

Calculating the Conversion Between 1 Hectare and Bigha

To calculate the conversion between 1 hectare and bigha, we need to know the specific conversion factor for the region we are considering. Let’s assume we are converting from hectare to bigha in Uttar Pradesh, where 1 bigha is approximately 0.628 hectare. In this case, to convert 1 hectare to bigha, we divide 1 by the conversion factor:

1 hectare / 0.628 = 1.59 bigha

Therefore, 1 hectare is approximately equal to 1.59 bigha in Uttar Pradesh.

Real-Life Examples of 1 Hectare in Terms of Bigha

To better understand the practical implications of the conversion between hectare and bigha, let’s consider some real-life examples. Suppose you own a piece of land measuring 1 hectare in Uttar Pradesh. 

By using the conversion factor mentioned earlier, we can determine that this land is equivalent to approximately 1.59 bigha. This information can be crucial when dealing with local regulations, real estate transactions, or agricultural planning in the region.

Why is It Important to Understand the Conversion Between Hectare and Bigha?

Understanding the conversion between hectare and bigha is essential for a variety of reasons. Firstly, it facilitates effective communication and collaboration between individuals and organizations operating in different regions. This is particularly relevant in sectors such as agriculture, where land measurement units are frequently used. 

Additionally, knowing the conversion allows for accurate calculations and comparisons when dealing with land areas, ensuring precision in various applications like real estate transactions, urban planning, and agricultural practices.

Practical Applications of Knowing the Conversion Between Hectare and Bigha

The knowledge of the conversion between hectare and bigha has practical applications in various fields. In the agricultural sector, farmers can make informed decisions regarding land utilization, crop rotation, and irrigation systems based on accurate area measurements. 

In real estate, understanding the conversion allows for fair negotiations and transparent transactions, ensuring that buyers and sellers are on the same page. Furthermore, urban planners can effectively allocate land for infrastructure development and zoning regulations by considering the conversion factors between hectare and bigha.


In conclusion, understanding the conversion between 1 hectare and bigha is crucial for anyone involved in land measurement, agricultural practices, or real estate transactions. The variations in conversion factors between different regions highlight the importance of knowing the specific factors for the area of interest. By comprehending the concept of measurement, the definitions of hectare and bigha, and the practical applications of this knowledge, individuals and organizations can make informed decisions and ensure accuracy in their dealings. So, whether you are a farmer, a real estate agent, or an urban planner, familiarizing yourself with the conversion between hectare and bigha will undoubtedly be beneficial.

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